Wednesday 5 December 2012

Readers' Poll: Vote For 2012's Best & Worst

<p>Year End Fan Poll</p>

December has snuck up on us, and that means another eventful year in pop music is drawing to a close.
The past 12 months have offered some unforgettable moments, from the joy of discovering new music phenomenons to the sadness brought on by the passing of some of our favorite stars. With 2012 nearly in the books, it's your turn to decide the most memorable songs, albums, performances, videos, fashion choices and shocking moments in our Year In Music Awards.

In a year that was packed with newcomers, which one was your favorite? Which song that topped the Hot 100 belongs among the classic pop singles? Who was the most overrated artist of 2012, and what can you not be more excited about for 2013? We've offered a few suggestions of our own, but feel free to write in a candidate. Cast your vote before the poll closes on December 14. We'll announce all of the winners on December 17.

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